This week we will really ramp up the difficulty and work on making a flashy 20.
Place a disc anywhere on the red marked shooting line. The goal is to shoot the disc such that it contacts the highlighted two pegs and ends in the 20 hole. It is acceptable to shoot the mirror image shot (on the left instead of the right) touching more than two pegs or not ending in the 20 hole gets no points.
Challenge completion awards 5 stars.
Weekly Challenge Explanation:
The Weekly Challenge is intended to build skills and camaraderie within the club and the wider crokinole community. It is entirely honor system based and the only reward is bragging rights.
Challenges will be released approximately weekly (despite the name) and you can log your success with an account on this site or just play along on your own. Feel free to submit challenge ideas of your own in the site’s forum.
Challenges will be rated from 1 to 5 stars based on perceived difficulty; these ratings are subjective and may not be entirely consistent or accurate but should be within +/- 1 star.